Everyone knows this one. The extraversion-introversion polarity is the most famous, most scientifically accepted and possibly the most misunderstood of the MBTI dichotomies . While a distinction is apparent to most, we’re often perfectly happy boiling it down to shyness or whether or not we like to be around other people. Unfortunately, or fortunately perhaps, it's not that simple. People and Energy A better explanation of the difference between the two preferences might be that which bases itself off of our energy levels. What drains our batteries? What recharges them? Do we feel worn out or refreshed after having attended a party? What gives us more energy, speaking to someone we've never met before or binge-reading in a closet? But even then, we're still stuck on people and, on top of that, most of us would probably make the objection that we're not always one or the other, but both. Perhaps we even describe ourselves as ambiverts(!). Function not Person Looking u...
An Introvert in a world of Extroverts
An Intuitive in a world of Sensors
A Thinker in a type of Feelers