So. You’ve taken the tests . The descriptions fit. You’ve moved into your little four letter box of special and you’re starting to get real comfy. Right? No? Well, for the most part, you say, but there is something ... there’s definitely something that just doesn't feel quite right. But what? The functions are all there. You know it. No other type describes you better, but still... ...still there are things that just won’t fit and it’s starting to eat away at the comforting walls of your little box and - even worse! - that warm, fuzzy feeling of having figured yourself out is slowly slipping out the cracks! I get it, though. I do. I can see it. You’ve joined the forum. Looking for kinship. Like-mindedness. Understanding. But everyone seem so different. There are similarities of course, but some of the discussions, some of the thoughts... the feelings... perhaps you don’t even understand the memes! Time to panic. Or, better yet... read up on t...
An Introvert in a world of Extroverts
An Intuitive in a world of Sensors
A Thinker in a type of Feelers