Out of the four Myers-Briggs dichotomies , which one would you say sets us apart the most? Which one of the famous letter coins constitute most of an obstacle when trying to understand a fellow human being? Is it the seemingly obvious Extraversion vs. Introversion polarity? Or is it the never-ending battle between thought and feeling? Perhaps it's just a question of showing up on time ? The more I think about it, the more pronounced I find the difference between the impalpably abstract, speculative Inuitive and the down to earth, fact-focused and blind-to-magic Sensor . Reservations But isn’t this “Intuitives from Venus and Sensors from Mars”-business just my dominant function speaking ( Introverted Intuition )? I mean... I would find the world view of the Sensor particularly foreign, wouldn't I? As an INFJ, [Se] is my inferior function ! Perhaps a decider-dominant person would find the Thinking/Feeling dichotomy far more disconnecting? Perhaps, if I...
An Introvert in a world of Extroverts
An Intuitive in a world of Sensors
A Thinker in a type of Feelers