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Showing posts from September, 2020

Sensors - The Annoyingly Accurate Muggles of Reality

Out of the four Myers-Briggs dichotomies , which one would you say sets us apart the most? Which one of the famous letter coins constitute most of an obstacle when trying to understand a fellow human being? Is it the seemingly obvious Extraversion vs. Introversion polarity? Or is it the never-ending battle between thought and feeling? Perhaps it's just a question of showing up on time ? The more I think about it, the more pronounced I find the difference between the impalpably abstract, speculative  Inuitive   and the down to earth, fact-focused and blind-to-magic  Sensor . Reservations But isn’t this “Intuitives from Venus and Sensors from Mars”-business just my dominant function speaking ( Introverted Intuition )? I mean... I would find the world view of the Sensor particularly foreign, wouldn't I? As an INFJ, [Se] is my inferior function !  Perhaps a decider-dominant person would find the Thinking/Feeling dichotomy far more disconnecting? Perhaps, if I...

Understanding the Objective Personality Animals

Objective Personality is an actor on the personality psychology stage, who, by building upon the already well established Myers-Briggs system, aims to give it more scientific credibility.  In their pursuit of objective typing OP have introduced some intriguing new concepts, which, combined, divides the original 16 MBTI types into a total of no less than 512 discrete types (32 subtypes to each original Myers-Briggs type). The first of these concepts - “ Jumping ” - changes the order in which we respect our cognitive functions (our second “savior” function is replaced by our third function) and effectively splits the original type into two.   The second concept (and focus of this article) is called the “ Animals ”. In essence, each of the four OP Animals (“Play”, “Blast”, “Consume” and “Sleep”) is a duo of cognitive functions working together to create a behavior.  The order in which we exhibit these four behaviors further divides the two parent subtypes - let's call...