Being a minority is hard. Not living up to the standards of society can be a soul crushing experience. Divergent sexualities, ethnicities, schools of thought - they all feel it. Female thinkers. Male feelers. Introverted Intuitives. If you're an Introverted Intuitive, like me, then you know that people don't always "get" us. More than half the population is thought to be Extraverted and 70% is thought to be Sensing , and even if the target of our deep, personal, abstract monologues happen to be another Introvert Intuitive, chances are we're wasting our breath... While some societies are certainly learning to accept these differences (even the Introvert is getting some love nowadays), the Intuitive - with the possible exception of inside the MBTI community itself - is still out in the cold, and when all is said and done society still wants you to be an Extraverted Sensor . So... why is that? Well... the world of the Intuitive is abstract. The world of the ...
An Introvert in a world of Extroverts
An Intuitive in a world of Sensors
A Thinker in a type of Feelers