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Showing posts from August, 2021

Is the INFJ more emotional than the INFJ Jumper

Good old T vs. F. The age old battle. Whatever positive properties we manage to squeeze into the concept of "Feeling", "Thinking" always seems to steal the thunder these days. Although it's certainly considered very good to be "in touch with ones emotions", rationality is still, more often than not, considered top dog.  Being governed by feelings, being too "emotional", is just not perceived as a good thing.  Some (according to Personality Hacker ) would even go so far as to say that emotions are dangerous, comparing them to a wild animal - one of the big cats perhaps - a jaguar or a leopard or a tiger (no, not Cringer ). But if emotions are to be thought of as a dangerous circus lion, shouldn't the " Feeling"-function be thought of as the tamer? Who's training the lions in the "Thinking"-circus? It's clear we need some nuance here... Feelings and Feeling Functions and Define your Terms you Bastards What exactl...