What, exactly, is the difference between a Standard INTJ and the subtype Objective Personality has chosen to call a " Jumper "? In what way will respecting Introverted Feeling over Extraverted Thinking affect the traits and behaviors of the INTJ ? This article will unravel the hazy intricacies of the INTJ Jump. It will take you all the way from take-off to landing. You say "Jump" and we say "where to?" and "where from?" and possibly also "how far?"... Where did we Land? Ok, so we've made the Jump. We've packed our bags and waved goodbye to the woods, the fields and the little rivers of our beloved NT-homeland . And now... yes, now what? Where we at, exactly? Well, not in Kansas, as someone famously put it... Nope, this is NF-country . Hippie-country. Or, in somewhat more flattering terms, Diplomat-country. Here we will find ourselves roaming the flowering hillsides of human nature in the idealistic company of the INFP s (Me...
An Introvert in a world of Extroverts
An Intuitive in a world of Sensors
A Thinker in a type of Feelers