When I take an online personality test (MBTI), like at 16Personalities, Truity or Personality hacker, I usually come out INFJ or INTJ. From reading the descriptions of these two types and from knowing the cognitive functions it's quite clear to me that I'm not an INTJ. I feel much more at home in the INFJ box.
But not completely. On the one hand, many descriptions of the INFJ fit me like a glove, but, on the other, some not at all. This is why I kept searching and eventually found the Objective Personality System and the INFJ Jumper.
It was immediately clear to me that I was a Jumper, that I was respecting my third function (Introverted Thinking) instead of my second (Extraverted Feeling). But I never really bothered to type myself all the way down to the most granular level of the OP system, down to the 512 types.
Now that I understand the system better, hopefully good enough to be able to type myself correctly, I decided to give it a shot. So here goes.
9 Coins
I'm using below video as a starting point. I don't think it's the absolute latest iteration of the 9 coins, but it will do.
As I'm sitting down to write this I have (not surprisingly) already typed myself, but I will try and walk you through the process as though I hadn't.
I tried to "forget" my presumably known parts and pretend I didn't know the OPS system very well and focused on the terms/information available in the video/list.... at least when starting off.
I started by going through the coins one by one to see if there were any obvious ones from the get go.
- Observer vs. Decider
- Oi vs. Oe
- Di vs. De
- Sensing vs. Intuition
- Feeler vs. Thinker
- Sleep vs. Play
- Consume vs. Blast
- Fem-S vs. Mas-S
- Fem-De vs. Mas-De
Wrapping It Up
OK, so what've we got so far? Introverted Observer and Intuition, that makes Ni. Sleep first, Play last. Masculine inner world (Ni + Di). Feminine on the outside.
In OPS terminology that makes:
FF Ni/Di Sx/x(P) or FF Di/Ni Sx/x(P)
How to proceed? Well... I know that I'm a Feminine Feeler. I'm uncool. And giggly. But when it comes to thoughts... a whole other matter. So, if I'm a Feminine Feeler and a Feminine De, I'm Fe. And if I'm Fe, I'm Ti. And I know I'm not Ti first, because that would make me unbelievably intelligent, so gotta be FF Ni/Ti Sx/x(P).
Only thing that remains now is to mark Consume and Blast on the map. Then we're done!
I can't be a hundred percent sure, but I am fairly positive that I'm Consume over Blast. If so, that would make me double activated on my Ti, which would explain why I've always been somewhat unsure when it comes to whole Observer vs. Decider question: I seem to be unbalanced with both Things and People! And that's because I am. Being a INFJ Jumper with Sleep first and double activated Ti is like being a turtle with two legs. Don't get me wrong, there are some great benefits of the Ni/Ti combination, but it really isn't the best type for tackling every day life.
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