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Is OPS Real

Fallen down the rabbit hole of OPS, have we? Happens to the best of us. Seems great, right? But how do we know it's real?

Well... to be honest... we don't. Not yet at least. I believe that it's "real" and I'll show you why in a minute, but no, the Objective Personality System hasn't been "Sensory-proven" yet. 

The closest a theory ever comes to being scientifically "true" is when it's backed up by observational data, replicable in experiments and yet to be disproven. That's more than can be said of OPS I'm afraid. It's just not there yet. 

Only one typing system is: The Big 5. (And that feels more than a little watery to me if you know what I mean...)

Most personality typing systems don't even bother with science. They might strive for intellectual acceptance, sure, but they never seriously challenge the beast that is scientific method. 

But OPS does! And I would argue they have come a long way. 

Dave and Shan (founders of OPS) have thoroughly studied human behavior, formulated their trademark coins underlying our behaviors - building upon the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (introducing new concepts which further divides the original 16 types into a total of 512) - and mastered the chess game of typing. 

They have managed to objectively type thousands of people (pinpointing the same exact type when typing separately - I think their accuracy is about 90% at the moment) and are now trying to pass their skills onto others. But, as we all know, becoming a master of chess - or anything for that matter - isn't exactly easy. Typing is hard for everyone, even if you're getting taught by a master. "Wax on wax off" and all that...

But is this really enough to convince anyone? It wouldn't convince me, I admit. We just don't have the facts yet. Where's the proof? 


Ok... So if there's no proof, how can I be so sure that they're right? As an INFJ Jumper I'm lead Sleep, meaning I'm focused on building self and constantly going over my known information, working on that inner Ni/Ti puzzle

In early life, this puzzle is kind of a house of cards, having to be rebuilt so often it's ridiculous. When some piece of random (but undeniably accurate) information comes crashing in like a bowling ball into a deck of pins, ripping the meticulously block-banged logic of our inner systems to shreds, we don't have a choice but to start over. 

But if we manage to keep ourselves open to new information (allowing for above mentioned system crashing from time to time), and learn to trust that Se just enough to get the most important facts right, our systems will eventually become so robust we'll (as Ni/Ti users) find ourselves actually trusting our own inner systems more than some of the "facts" coming at us from the outside. 

Let's take an unrealistic and dumb example: if a reliable source were to tell me that the Earth was actually flat, I wouldn't accept it. This is an over-simplified example, but you get the idea. If the fact doesn't make logical sense to me, if it doesn't fit into my inner Ni/Ti system, it would take a great deal for me to accept it as true. Because now I've come to trust my system. 

And, in reverse, if an idea makes perfect logical sense in the context of my inner system I might just accept it without the need for proof.

What I'm getting at here is that even before I knew what OPS was, even before it existed, I had already laid out some of the puzzle pieces they would later discover and use, albeit under different names. Parts of my inner puzzle exactly matches the one that they're laying right now and they don't even know me. To me, that's just too good not to be true. 

Ni/Ti  vs  OPS

The puzzle-pieces I'm talking about here, my own I mean, are mostly observations on self. Behavioral patterns, tribe reactions to said patterns, personal preferences etc. 

For example, in any given situation, why do I almost always prefer doing nothing to doing something? Passivity always seem to trump activity with me. Why are people always saying I look tired? That I'm slow? That I'm in my own world and that I should come back to reality? Well, that's lead Sleep for ya. 

Why am I so acutely aware of the values and emotions of others when I don't, in the end, let them guide me in my decision-making? Well, that's because of the Jumping. I respect my third function (Ti - Introverted Thinking) over of my second (Fe - Extraverted Feeling). I can't avoid seeing what's going on the outside, in the world of emotion - Fe is too large a window - but that doesn't change the fact that I respect my Ti more. In the end, Di is always king. Which is another way of saying that I, as an INFJ Jumper, am what OPS describes as "Self above Tribe" (as opposed to the "standard" INFJ which is lead Blast and Savior Fe (De) and thus "Tribe above Self"). 


Ni/Ti overlapping OPS

And keep in mind that these are puzzle pieces. They all need to fit together. It's not enough to find discrete matching pieces in the different systems, they have to all fit together in the same way in both.

E.g. if I couldn't be sleepy and selfish at the same time (INFJ Jumper: Sleep first = Savior Di = "Self above Tribe") in the Objective Personality System, the entire system consolidation would fail. But luckily (not sure if this is the right word), in OPS, one implies the other - and voilà - it's a perfect fit!

Here, the benefit of the doubt is resting on the logical coherence. Without it the bond of trust is broken and we have nothing. As it is I have yet to come across a single discrepancy in the OP-system! It all fits! (Although I do admit I'm a little foggy on the details of the learning styles).

But hang on a minute here, aren't Dave and Shan saying that we can't see ourselves and that everyone are typing themselves upside down? Why am I trusting my own observations? Surely if my observations are useless the comparison is useless and we're back at square one! 

Well... that might very well be, but the reason I feel confident in this area (self perception), as opposed to almost every other, is (apart from my own, perhaps questionable, conviction) that Dave and Shan actually have mentioned that lead Sleeps tend to be the best at seeing introverted self (while lead Consumes (my second animal btw) are the best at seeing extroverted self) and, by extension, the most likely to actually get their own types right. 

So, provided this information is accurate, I should be able to see myself very clearly. And I believe that I do, to a crippling degree. 

(I often feel deprived of the moment, feeling like I'm watching myself and the people around me from the "outside". Like I'm not really participating in my own existence. Like I'm just an observer. Hey! I am an Observer 😆)

But enough of this! One can't very well go around being objective all day if one wants to get the answers one wants! You'll just have to trust me! 😉

Ok, this is going great.... So... What's the verdict guys? Am I in a cult? 





  1. Hi, I am an eager reader of your beneficial articles, and everything you describe about yourself as a jumper exactly resonates with my personality too.

    There are countless sources on the net explaining personality types, but you are the rarest one who covers the jumper topics in such a relevant and applicable manner.

    You are like an oasis for me.
    And Thanks for covering OP.

    They are the most preferred goto resource for me. Next in my list is C.S.Joseph.

    Please share your opinion regarding his system of explaining the functions stack.

    I immensely appreciate your time and effort for posting jumper articles. They enormously help me in figuring out my tendencies as a jumper.

    1. Hello Ciba,

      Thank you for the compliments, really glad to hear it! :)

      Are you an INFJ Jumper or a different jumper type? I'm working on a series of articles about the other 16 Jumper types. Would be nice to have covered them all in some way.

      As you know I'm deep down the OP rabbit-hole, but I really think they're on to something! Haven't heard of C.S. Joseph before, will have to check him out!

      Take care!

    2. Hi,

      I was happy to receive your prompt reply. Sorry to respond late as I was afflicted with cold and cough.

      Yes, I too am an INFJ Jumper.

      It's fascinating to know that you are working on articles regarding the rest of the jumper types. I am eager to know how each one behaves in their loops. I will certainly savour reading them.

      Initially, there were few sources on the internet from where I started learning about personality types. Such as Psychology Junkie, Frank James, Personality Junkie,Eric Thor, Objective Personality, LiJo, Personality Hacker Podcast, Scott Morgan, C.S.Joseph.

      C.S.Joseph has massive amount of info data on personality types on YouTube. He has presented his series in seasons wise.

      These are few requested queries from me, I will glad to have please your crucial thoughts on them.

      1~ Is there any way to change our animal energy stack ?
      I am consume - rest - blast - play.
      But I need to get my play at least in the top 2 position.

      2~ Also, is there a way to make my Fe and Se behave in a masculine form, or at least enact them temporarily when in social arena. Though I have worked very hard in presenting myself as a Masculine Fe and Se, but still I end up portraying myself as a Beta male instead of a Sigma male that I am in my Ni Ti mode. I am personally not inclined towards Alpha persona.

      3~ Which business or line of work can suit an INFJ Jumper ?
      Or Which are your top 3 business choice ?

      This is the part of my life with which I am desperately struggling the most. I am 43, male. I want to do something that involves using my hand. something that involves objects instead of dealing with ideas or people. something that doesn't get me to interact with people nor working for their physical - mental or spiritual betterment. Is there something that an INFJ Jumper can create well with his hand skill or is good in selling something?

      It will be very kind of you to answer the pressing queries of my life.

      Also, awaiting, in anticipation, for your latest post.

    3. Fascinating, we're both INFJ Jumper and we both have a cold :)

      I listened quite a bit to the Personality Hacker Podcast, but now that I'm so deep into OPS I'm having trouble with information sources that don't take what I now deem as truths into account.

      1. I believe that we can change "within" our types, but I don't believe we can change type or aspects of our type (such as cognitive function stack order/Animal stack order). I believe that we can work on our weaker parts if we manage to identify them. What OPS calls an "Alpha" is someone who has taken ownership of their Demon functions and stopped disrespecting/ignoring them. I can honestly say I'm not there yet. I know my Demons, but I still despise them :)

      Play is my last Animal as well. Definitely not helpful in social situations. But I'm not sure I would like to change that. I've come to respect the self awareness that comes with Sleep and Consume. But I think you've got you're top 2 Animals switched, because you can't be lead Consume if you're an INFJ. It's either Blast (INFJ) or Sleep (INFJ Jumper). This is because your first Animal must include your first function (Ni). Consume doesn't (Se + Ti).

      2. Same here, I don't think you can change your type, but being aware of your own personality traits gives you a chance of consciously working on them and train yourself into new behaviors. As a Double Introvert and a Savior Ti it's going to be hard to impress the Tribe in the moment. Di wants to work indirectly, build yourself or your creations in solitude and then present them to the Tribe (just be sure that whatever you're working on is something that the Tribe would actually value).

      3. I've actually written an article on that: But perhaps you've already seen it? Some of the careers normally suggested for the INFJ are too Fe-focused for the INFJ Jumper. Too focused on helping the Tribe directly (the De way), not focused enough on solitary work (Di). I myself work as a software developer. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. If I had had a greater drive I probably would have taken a shot at Writer, but I just don't trust myself to follow through (probably because of the low Blast and Play :) ).

      I wouldn't generally recommend Sales or Craftsmanship to an INFJ Jumper because of the Demon F and S, but if you're passionate enough and know that you will be able to keep going and stick with it, there's actually a good chance you will excel at whatever you manage to get inside your "box". We are perfectionists after all.

      I would try and make sure there's a place for Ti in whatever I choose as a profession. If there's no room for my ideas/thoughts/reasons then I can't see it working in the long run. If I were to sell something for a living for example, I would make sure that whatever I sold was something my Ti was onboard with. Perhaps I could sell OPS merchandise ;)

      Hope I answered your questions to some kind of satisfaction at least!


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