Fallen down the rabbit hole of OPS , have we? Happens to the best of us. Seems great, right? But how do we know it's real? Well... to be honest... we don't. Not yet at least. I believe that it's "real" and I'll show you why in a minute, but no, the Objective Personality System hasn't been "Sensory-proven" yet. The closest a theory ever comes to being scientifically "true" is when it's backed up by observational data, replicable in experiments and yet to be disproven. That's more than can be said of OPS I'm afraid. It's just not there yet. Only one typing system is: The Big 5 . (And that feels more than a little watery to me if you know what I mean...) Most personality typing systems don't even bother with science. They might strive for intellectual acceptance, sure, but they never seriously challenge the beast that is scientific method. But OPS does! And I would argue they have come a long way. Dave and Shan (f...
An Introvert in a world of Extroverts
An Intuitive in a world of Sensors
A Thinker in a type of Feelers